Friday, February 26, 2010

February where'd ya go?

Wow this month went fast! Where the heck did it go. Weeks are blending into each other. Days what are days anymore...HA! My kids I take one look at them and MAN how did you guys become so big. Their soon going to be towering over me and hogging the T.V. remote watchin ESPN!!! Haahaa! That's okay they gotta grow out of the spidey man under roo's first. They still have a while.

Not a whole lot happened this month. Tay has officially been potty trained. He's out of diapers folks which means more money YAY! He's been a pro at going potty in the toilet and also not wetting the bed(which is a plus for G-ma who shares a bed with him). Kaiden is no longer on a bottle HALLELUJAH!!! I was able to get Tay off the bottle right at a year, but Kaiden was too stubborn and I of course had less patience. My brother flew in from Idaho V-day weekend which was awesome. Always love having him home for a little bit. Him and I were able to get out and shop for a while, me without the KIDDIES! Which is always a treat when I can get a break. For the first time in my life my bro spent more money on a pair of shoes then I did... Lucky son of a gun! Of course he offered to get me a pair but motherhood has really calmed my addiction for shoes(I think?) haahaa. It was fun having family dinners, talking story, watching re-runs of wipe out all nite laughing our big heads off, listening to a Communism project that was due for him when he got back...honestly I really didn't know a whole lot about Communism until then. INTERESTING thing it is. And the big bonus at the end was his flight got cancelled Monday morning and he was able to stay one more night. So we got to do that all over again! HAAHAA. Like old times.

Christina and I also discovered a new park will be taking our kids to from now on. Its not ghetto or dirty or has scary people hanging around. HAAHAAA! I think me and her had more fun on it then the kids did! People were probably looking at us funny but hey can't get mad a mamas who want a little fun too. RIGHT?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!! January was a wild month for me. I have taken on a FULL load of classes this semester not to mention the changes I've made for myself and the boys over the past couple months. EVERYTHING just seems so hard lately. My emotions and stress levels have gone whack. I feel like just the simple task of getting ready for the day is a chore. I don't know why I feel this way. For once in my life I'm doing something for me. Doing something better for my kids... but yet I feel overwhelmed with LIFE!!! My boys are what keep me going. I know that you probably hear that a lot but they are literally my drive to succeed. I have come a long way in this gospel, well life period and know this is just a hill I need to get over. This is only the beginning of a journey I have set to embark on. The power of prayer does wonderful thing... and I have been so blessed to be surrounded by my family in my times of need.

I have been so proud of myself this semester. School well Ive never been very fond of it. This semester I have decided to go for medical billing and coding. The schooling only takes about a year and a half which is perfect for me when I have no time to waste. I want to hurry up and get a good job that is more secure. Its only been a couple of weeks but I have taken 6 quizzes and one test so far and have managed to get all A's on every single one! It may not be anything big to you but for me this is a great accomplishment. Any WHO just wanted to make something positive out of this post so it doesn't sound all sad and droopy! All and all I'm very happy where I'm at. I just gotta go with the flow and soon everything will fall into place.